Story and photos by Jo Oostveen “What bridge did you say?” I asked in a puzzled voice. “The Mackinaw Bridge”, he replied. I was standing at the water pump with the only other person at the Pinney Bridge campground, early that May morning in 2011. I spied him as he came in late the previous […]
Our Stories
Category: Hiking Stories
Nicole Vik’s North Country Trail story
story and photos by Nicole Vik My story along the North Country Trail began last winter when my editor asked me if I was outdoorsy and suggested I cover outdoor events and news. My first thought was, of course I’m outdoorsy, I grew up in Northern Minnesota. The question I should have asked myself was, […]
Hike 100 Story: Greg & Cathy
by Greg Brock, NCTA Member-at-large We decided that hiking would be one of the methods for my wife and I to get healthier. Luckily there is a state park near us with some great trails. After working up to a five mile route we met a hiker who told us about the trails off the […]