Our Stories

Mary Brinks and Tina Harkins: Volunteer Spotlight

  2020 Communicator Awards Mary Brinks. The attendance at hikes and Chief Noonday Chapter meetings has nearly doubled since Mary volunteered to handle our communications with the world. She takes advantage of nearly 30 free press opportunities in the area and keeps the Facebook page updated with upcoming events and programs expected at meetings, a major […]

SEEDS Challenge: Partnership Spotlight

  “This challenge is a fun way to help connect all SEEDS staff to the work of EcoCorps and the Trail.” In 2020, SEEDS staff challenged themselves to connect more deeply with locations they’ve worked so hard to better through their work, and to encourage physical activity. EcoCorps Program Director Jennifer Flynn described the challenge: […]

Bob Courtois: Hike 100 Finisher

  “About half the miles were on snowshoes.” Bob Courtois was the first to let us know he completed the 2021 Hike 100 Challenge. Alongside being an NCT enthusiast, he’s the volunteer Monthly Hike Coordinator for the NCTA Jordan Valley 45° Chapter and a member of the Hiawatha Shore-to-Shore Chapter. “[I] completed by hiking in […]