Our Stories

Crews finish their hard work to restore the Kekekabic Trail

  Recently, a significant downfall was cut from across the Kekekabic Trail, an unofficial portion of the NCNST within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in northeastern MN. It was the last tree that fell across the western 15 miles of the Kek during last summer’s very strong windstorms to be cut.  These storms left […]

Skishoeing on the NCT

Skishoeing? Oh yes, it’s a thing.  One of the advantages of the North Country Trail is that we’re a four season trail. There’s something new to experience in each season. And since we’re hardy northerners, snow doesn’t keep us from enjoying the Trail. Snowshoeing is a popular activity on the Trail through the winter. But […]

Nicole Vik’s North Country Trail story

story and photos by Nicole Vik My story along the North Country Trail began last winter when my editor asked me if I was outdoorsy and suggested I cover outdoor events and news. My first thought was, of course I’m outdoorsy, I grew up in Northern Minnesota. The question I should have asked myself was, […]