Our Stories

Susanne Klein: NCT Long Distance Hiker

  Susanne Klein Warren, PA Central patch + Pennsylvania and 1,000-Mile rockers Compiled by Joan Young I moved to Pennsylvania from California at the end of 2013. I belonged to hiking groups that would conquer different mountains. There was always a different challenge and different views. Even though I continued to hike when I arrived […]

200-Hour Awards 2020: Volunteer Spotlight

  The following volunteers have [respectively] donated over 400 hours of their time to the North Country National Scenic Trail. The National Park Service and North Country Trail Association thank them enormously for their work, and have presented them with NPS Volunteer-in-Parks (VIP) awards.⁠ Please join us in congratulating and thanking them!⁠ Lesley Akre (MI) […]

Simon Jaklin: Hike 100 Finisher

  In 2020, Boy Scout Troop 346 of Negaunee, Michigan chose to trek the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore rather than head to scout camp due to coronavirus concerns. One of the Scouts, 12-year-old Simon Jaklin, and his family were then motivated to continue hiking the North Country Trail and pursue the Hike 100 Challenge. This […]