Our Stories

New Maps: Minnesota

Today, we’re excited to announce the next release in our new map series: the NCT in Minnesota. We have 92 maps, coming in at just over 486 miles. The NCT in Minnesota runs through a diverse tapestry of landscapes, perfect for the day or longer distance hiker. Welcome to the Land of Sky-Blue Water! The […]

New Maps: Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Today, we’re excited to announce the next release in our new map series. These maps cover the NCT in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Ninety maps, coming in at just over 550 miles, the NCT in “da UP” traverses large sections of continuous off-road Trail and remote tracts of northern forests. Welcome to the wild North Country! […]

New Maps: Wisconsin

We’re excited to announce the next release in our new map series: the North Country Trail in Wisconsin. Coming in at just over 209 miles, this section of NCT traverses large tracts of northern forests and world-famous rivers. This is pure, iconic North Country! The map set for Western Wisconsin is the first official map release for the […]