The Superior Hiking Trail Association (SHTA) is responsible for 310 miles of trail in northeastern Minnesota between the Wisconsin border near Jay Cooke State Park and the Border Route Trail near the Canadian border. The Superior Hiking Trail (SHT) stretches down to the Lake Superior coastline from near the Canada-Minnesota border to south of […]
Our Stories
Tag: volunteers
Kathy Eisele and John Pearson: Volunteer Spotlight
Kathy Eisele of the NCTA Central New York Chapter and John Pearson of the NCTA Brule-St. Croix Chapter have [respectively] donated over 4,000 hours of their time to the North Country National Scenic Trail. The National Park Service and North Country Trail Association thank Kathy and John immensely for their work, and have presented […]
Brian Hager, Beth Keloneva, and Shari Sanderson: Volunteer Spotlight
2020 Leadership Awards Brian Hager. The Wampum Chapter has benefitted from Brian’s apparently limitless ambitions. He created a podcast about the NCT and his Chapter, has rustled up local grants to benefit Wampum Trail projects, and organized a 5K race in Darlington, PA, which was so successful that he’s going to add two more in […]