Our Stories


Hike the Hill update: House Visits

By Bruce Matthews Finishing up an intensive day of Hill visits, to Members of the House. Started out with MN-08’s Rick Nolan, who personally greeted John Leinen and myself, and talked about his love of trails, including those he’s built on his own land. We strategized with his legislative director, Jim Swiderski, about when to introduce […]

House Trails Caucus reception

By Bruce Matthews Here is a photo from last night’s House Trails Caucus reception, showing Andrea and I and Greg Miller, president of American Hiking Society.  At the reception AHS honored Rep. Blumenauer (D-OR) for championing the trails agenda over the years, and Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA), who announce his re-introduction of the Complete America’s […]

Day 2 in Washington, D.C.

By Bruce Matthews Today (Sunday) Andrea and I are here in DC, involved in meetings with the Partnership for the National Trails System (PNTS), in preparation for our visits to the Hill and to various federal agencies next week. One of the cool things the PNTS does each year is assemble all the volunteer hours […]