Our Stories


Derrick Passe: Crew Leader Spotlight

  Derrick is a man who knows how to get things done, and his first brush with leadership came about nearly 30 years ago. He saw a volunteer recruitment flier for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and decided to sign up. He even checked that he would be a trip leader if they needed […]

Spring Walk-Throughs on the NCT

  A spring walk-through on a section of the North Country Trail is a straightforward, yet very helpful volunteer task for those interested in helping out their local Chapter. Volunteers walk an assigned Trail section, and either remedy or report common trail problems, including tree blowdowns, extra wet or muddy spots, thick brush, winter logging […]

What Does it Mean to Reopen?

  As our different state stay-at-home orders expire, our volunteers are eager to get back out to work on projects and hikers are eager to hike. Believe me, we are right there with you. But just because a stay-at-home order expires, it does not mean business as usual. All indications point to Coronavirus continuing to […]