The NCTA sends a special thanks to the Chapter volunteers of North Dakota for the creativity they’ve shown while planning Trail Community engagement opportunities. In December 2020, the newly formed Central Flyway Chapter hosted an on-your-own “12 Days of Christmas” hike that drew nearly 200 participants. Special thanks to Glee Mayer, Mark Zimmerman, and […]
Our Stories
Category: Hiking Stories
Jennifer Bieniek: Hike 100 Finisher
“I have shared the NCT love with many people.” Jennifer Bieniek of southern New York participated in the NCTA Hike 100 Challenge in 2020 and submitted her completion form in September. In February 2021, we at the NCTA selected one 2020 finisher from the hundreds who submitted completion forms to win a grand prize […]
Bob Courtois: Hike 100 Finisher
“About half the miles were on snowshoes.” Bob Courtois was the first to let us know he completed the 2021 Hike 100 Challenge. Alongside being an NCT enthusiast, he’s the volunteer Monthly Hike Coordinator for the NCTA Jordan Valley 45° Chapter and a member of the Hiawatha Shore-to-Shore Chapter. “[I] completed by hiking in […]