Our Stories

Bob Courtois: Hike 100 Finisher

Categories: Hiking Stories, Michigan, Volunteer Stories


“About half the miles were on snowshoes.”

Bob Courtois was the first to let us know he completed the 2021 Hike 100 Challenge. Alongside being an NCT enthusiast, he’s the volunteer Monthly Hike Coordinator for the NCTA Jordan Valley 45° Chapter and a member of the Hiawatha Shore-to-Shore Chapter.

“[I] completed by hiking in four different Chapters,” wrote Bob. He utilized the North Country Trail in both the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan, and finished on January 11, 2021.

NCTA: What was your favorite hike / which were your favorite miles of your 100 and why?
Bob: I really enjoyed finishing the 100 on the cold, snow day on January 11. I hiked from Bocook Road north to Landslide Overlook and back 14 miles. The picture [of me in the red Stormy Kromer] is at the view at Landslide Overlook in the Jordan River Valley.

NCTA: Which miles were the most challenging, mentally or physically?
Bob: The most challenging really was a tiring 18-mile day heading west from Kalkaska, nine miles and back. This is a new reroute that greatly improved the Trail.

NCTA: Did you hike solo or with others? Do you have a preference?
Bob: I do a lot of solo hiking but prefer to hike with at least one other person, and greatly enjoy the monthly group hikes with the Jordan Valley 45° and Hiawatha Shore-to-Shore people.

NCTA: Now that you’ve finished this year’s Hike 100, do you have other North Country Trail plans this year?
Bob: I hope to finish the Lower Peninsula with my brother. I have 218 [miles] to go and I think Bill has about 170. I will then focus on completing the UP.


Congratulations, Bob! Has this inspired you? Learn more about the Hike 100 Challenge and plan your adventure today! Or have you already bagged 100 miles on the NCT as well? Let us know by submitting your Completion Form so you can receive your patch and certificate!