Our Stories

SEEDS Challenge: Partnership Spotlight

  “This challenge is a fun way to help connect all SEEDS staff to the work of EcoCorps and the Trail.” In 2020, SEEDS staff challenged themselves to connect more deeply with locations they’ve worked so hard to better through their work, and to encourage physical activity. EcoCorps Program Director Jennifer Flynn described the challenge: […]

Flying High, Thanks to You

  Your contribution supported community cultivation, in a year when we experienced great distance from friends and family. The mental health value to our trail users this year? Priceless! Matt Davis, a Regional Trail Coordinator for the North Country Association, shares a silver lining in his region.   And this is only one great example […]

Why Felicia Supports the NCT

  When Felicia moved to Michigan to be closer to her soon-to-be husband, she desired a way to connect to her new community. Felicia also struggles with a lot of anxiety and depression, and hiking provides a healthy outlet to care for her mental health. She began exploring trails in her new town and noticed […]