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Kekekabic Trail Club looking for 2010 trail clearing trip leaders!

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A 2009 trail clearing crew poses in some white cedars
A 2009 trail clearing crew poses in some white cedars
Snow may be on the ground, but May will be here before we know it and the Kekekabic Trail Club needs to start planning its annual trail-clearing trips. They need more trip leaders and co-leaders to keep the Kekekabic Trail passable. Please email Mark Stange (Kekekabic Trail Club President) at mark.stange@uhc.com if you can lead or help lead a trip this May. Let him know your preferences – both dates and trail segments you would prefer.

The Forest Service really appreciates volunteer help and is eager to support trail clearing crews. Well-maintained trails help preserve the wilderness by focusing footfalls and camping – to say nothing of preventing lost hikers and the impact of search parties.

“The trails need you!”
p.s. The Kekekabic Trail has been in the news again – this time with a nice story by Larry Oakes in the Minneapolis StarTribune.