In August 2022, Steph Liguori from the National Park Service hosted a volunteer training refresher session for the Trail Project Form. A video recording is available if you want to revisit the information or if you did not get a chance to attend.
Our Stories
2021 Outstanding Private Landowner + Vanguard Awards: Volunteer Spotlight
2021 Outstanding Private Landowner Award David and Geraldine Wregge. The Wregges enthusiastically allow the Wisconsin Roving Trail Crew to camp on their land whenever the crew project is within Iron or eastern Ashland County. They own an isolated 40 acres, surrounded for miles by Iron County Forest. When the crew first arrived, the access […]
2021 Rising Star + Leadership Awards: Volunteer Spotlight
2021 Rising Star Award Trevan and Connor Pfennig. Trevan and Connor joined the Sheyenne River Valley Chapter over three years ago, and have since recruited their parents. Both completed their Eagle Scout projects within the Chapter’s NCNST section. Trevan organized and led a five-mile urban signage installation throughout Valley City, N.D. He taught fellow […]