Our Stories


New Superior Hiking Trail construction featured on Duluth TV news

The construction of the new segment of the Superior Hiking Trail between Duluth and Two Harbors was recently showcased on Northland Newscenter’s program “Nature Matters” with David Hoole.  Check it out online.  The video features a couple of NCTA members & SHTA workers (Larry Sampson and Leon Pitzen) who were building a puncheon across a […]

The 24 Hours of the Chip “mowathon” is successful!

Volunteers spent the past weekend mowing significant stretches of the NCT within the Chippewa National Forest as part of the 24 Hours of the Chip event.   Approximately 35 miles were mowed on Saturday and Sunday.  Thanks go to the following individual volunteers: STN Chapter: Ginny Ruppe, John Leinen, Jim Weiske, Ellen & Mike Heneghan, Joe […]

Americorps-NCCC Crew hard at work on the NCT in Minnesota

An Americorps-NCCC crew made up of twelve individuals from all over the U.S. are currently working on the NCT in Becker County, MN.  This crew, led by Marlin Lane, is completing trail tread, boardwalks, and signage for a 10-mile stretch south of Elbow Lake Rd.   This section down to the boundary of Greenwater Lake SNA […]