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SRV Chapter celebrates Public Lands Day on NCT at Lonetree WMA, ND

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To celebrate National Public Lands Day, the Sheyenne River Valley Chapter (SRV) recently hosted a camping / hiking weekend on the NCT at Lonetree WMA in west-central North Dakota.    Here is what Chapter President Deb Koepplin recently wrote about their experience…

We had a group of 8 of us (Daryl & Becky Heise, Bobby & Deb Koepplin, Adam Larson, Clyde Anderson, and Bob & Janet Patton) at Lonetree.  The weather was absolutely perfect on Saturday so we had a good 7-mile hike to the west (from Coal Mine Lake Campground) along the lakes and a good night for tenting and camping.  Sunday was very windy but still had a good 6-mile hike to the east and got packed up and back to Valley City.  Thanks to all who mowed earlier in the summer because it made the trails really fun to hike on.  Had a lot of water in some areas that we needed to go around but that would typically not be common in September.   Hope to do it again sometime–this was my first time there and really enjoyed it..  Becky (Heise) also made peach pie!!

Here are some photos taken by Deb Koepplin…

SRV Group on the NCT at Lonetree WMA
SRV Group on the NCT at Lonetree WMA
Crossing Sheyenne Lake on the road in high water
Crossing Sheyenne Lake on the road in high water
Posing by a trail marker on the NCT at Lonetree WMA
Posing by a trail marker on the NCT at Lonetree WMA
Becky and Daryl Heise under the shade of Lonetree WMA's "lone tree"
Becky and Daryl Heise under the shade of Lonetree WMA's "lone tree"
The view west from the NCT near ND Hwy 14 crossing
The view west across the prairie from the NCT near ND Hwy 14 crossing

More information on the NCT within Lonetree WMA may be obtained by contacting the ND Game & Fish Department at (701) 324-2211 or by contacting Matthew Davis (701-388-1883 / davis (at) northcountrytrail.org).  These hikes are covered on Hiking Map ND-109.